lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

31st October - Halloween at school

Dear friends,

Thanks to all of you who took part in all the contests and activities programmed to enjoy Halloween in our school!!

Here you can see the Halloween cakes´ prizes for 1st and 2nd ESO. The level was rather high and the cakes look "terrific"...:-))).

There were 2 draws!!!one for the first prize and the other one for the second! Congratulations!!



1st ESO students also played a game about Halloween using numbers. It was fun, too!!


Halloween structures were scary!!! Thanks to 3rd ESO students!!

Physics & Chemistry

3rd ESO students also practised Halloween Gas problemsat Halloween.  You can see an example:

2nd ESO students enjoyed their "Halloween experiments"!!

you can also press the following link:

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

Ready for Halloween????

Dear friends,

Are you ready to live the most frightening week in the year?? Next 31st October our school will celebrate Halloween in our bilingual subjects. 

There will be Hallowween decorations, contests, dances, ghymkanas.... We hope you enjoy it and we encourage you to take part in the activities!!!

Resultado de imagen de halloween 2018 at schools

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018

Changes in bilingual subjects

Hello everybody,

We ´ve got news for you. For this academic year 2018-2019, there has been a change in bilingual subjects. 

1st ESO: We have to welcome MUSIC and say good bye to BIOLOGY AND GEOLOGY.

On the other hand, we announce that MATHS is also a new subject taught in English in 3rd ESO.

Thank you to all the teachers involved in our Lingüistic Programme. 

Resultado de imagen de welcome  :            Resultado de imagen de music

Resultado de imagen de Good bye :   Resultado de imagen de biology and geology

* Here you can see some of the projects our BIO students prepared last academic year!!! See you!!!

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018

Welcome back!

Resultado de imagen de welcome back 18-19

Dear students,

After summer holidays,  we start again. Welcome back to the new academic year 2018-2019.

3,2,1 ... Blast off!!! ;-)

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018

Practising percentages - 1ESO Maths lesson

Hi everybody,

Here, we show you the way our 1ESO bilingual students learn percentages.

They perform a market in the clasroom!!

The following photographs show you the way they prepared it and how they perfomed it,too! The results were excellent! They practised a lot... and saved a lot of money ;-)!