Halloween Treasure Hunt and Mummy Game - 31st October:

4th and 2nd eso students celebrated this day by means of a spooky Treasure hunt and a funny mummy game. At the end they got their "treat"!!


Ice skating. Madrid, 23rd March 2017

Acrosport - 4ESO. March 2017

Acrosport - Part 2 on PhotoPeach
More pictures of our expert acrosport students!!!!

Acrosport - 4ESO. February 2017

Here, you can see a presentation of the awesome figures 4ESO students practised in their lesson! Enjoy them!

Acrosport - 4ESO on PhotoPeach  

Halloween - October 2016

Hi again! Congratulate our P.E teachers, together with our language assistant, Taylor, and the psycologist, Begoña for their collaboration which was a GREAT Halloween activity for students!! It consisted of a Terror story (with witch included) and an amazing "find the pumpkin" gymkhana.


Crossfit 3rd ESO students - October 2016


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