lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Cursos de Idiomas en el Extranjero - 3º y 4º de ESO y 1º de Bachillerato

Publicada Resolución de 19/05/2017, de la Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, por la que se convoca en 2017 el procedimiento para la adjudicación de plazas y concesión de ayudas para realizar actividades de formación en Reino Unido/Irlanda/Francia, dirigidas a mejorar la competencia lingüística de los alumnos de 3º y 4º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y 1º de Bachillerato de centros docentes sostenidos con fondos públicos de Castilla-La Mancha.
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: desde el día 24 de mayo de 2017 hasta el día 5 de junio de 2017, ambos inclusive. 

... more information, press the following link:

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

Total Immersion English Camps 1st - 2nd ESO / 3rd - 4th ESO

Hi everyone, 

Last term, our ESO students attended Total Immerson English Camps. In them, students had the opporunity to learn and practise real English with native speakers. They enjoy a lot and had a great time.

From the 24th to the 28th February 1st and 2nd ESO students visited La Solana (Ciudad Real).

From the 24th to the 28th March, 3rd and 4th ESO students visited Los Alcazares (Murcia).


sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017

Cultural Day- English Department

Hi everybody,

Last 6th April our school organized our cultural day. The English Department decided to work on  projects related to English speaking countries in which students had to study and present a description about the countries (England, Scotlland, USA, Australia and Malta) The students worked hard for two weeks to present all the material created. They did it very good! Taylor, the assistant, helped us! So, thank you everybody for that amazing work!

Here, you can see some of the pictures.