domingo, 23 de febrero de 2025

New e-Twinning Project: Threads of Inclusion: Digital Paths in the World of Textiles

 Hi students,

We are so happy to start up a new e-Twinning project this school year. 

          Our partner school is:

The COLLÈGE JEAN MOULIN, in Saint-André-Lez-Lille, FRANCE.

Our students involved are Year 2 and they are going to work together with the same age French students.

Our project will mainly deal with an introduction to the world of textiles and how their overuse can have an impact on the environment.

Students will be conscious about all this by means of different activities carried out by different apps , so other aims of the project are to enhance digital literacy and build awareness of digital rights and responsibilities.

For these last objectives, we will be using netiquette, a set of unofficial rules for good behavior and politeness followed by users of online and digital technologies such as the Internet, email, and chatrooms.

Finally, we will promote effective communication and collaboration between both countries (France and Spain) in three different languages. Currently, our school departments involved are Physics and Chemistry, French and English.


We are willing to share all material and knowledge about these topics and excited to meet new partners.

We´ll keep you inform. :-)

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